Saturday, December 5, 2009

JMGEM Field Trip to Torres

The second JMGEM trip was a tour of the Torres Vineyard. Torres is the largest wine producer in Spain. The vineyard was enormous. In my opinion Torres was completely different from Napa Valley and Sonoma vinyards. This place was a wine Disneyland. We started off in a movie theatre for a video on the Torres family history. Then we went to a smell room and then we went on a tram ride around the vineyard. On a side note, my mom was visiting last weekend so I brought her along.









  1. wow ur camera is amazing..i love ur blog

  2. Love. u need to update ur blog..i miss reading it!!

  3. hey gabe, this is ash from melbourne australia...i stumbled here from the USC page for the JMGEM program, a course that i can see myself enjoying. would love to talk to you some more about your profile and about the program. give me a buzz at cheerio!
